The name for KISKAKAS Animation Festival came in homage to The Cockerel’s Diamond Coin, the first colour animated film in Hungary created in 1951. The mission of the animation event – already organized for the fourth time – is to stage the latest contemporary animated works to the Hungarian public. The pageant will also showcase illustrious animation schools from around the globe. The human output of these workshops is the range of creative young animation artists for the industry and their exciting, frequently award-winning works for the public.

The programme of KISKAKAS 4 brings Poland to centre stage. Namely, Polish animators – after the stasis period in the 90s – have presented the most powerful works of contemporary animated art and play an increasingly significant role in the European animation industry. The compilation presenting the works of animation schools in partnership in Animation Sans Frontières also underlines European presence at the festival. The latest graduation works from the most prominent French, German and Danish workshops will be screened. Of course, no KISKAKAS goes without films from the organizer MOME Animation: there will be two sections – a compilation of recent years’ works and the first screening of the 2011 films.

Friday’s programme - true to KISKAKAS traditions – is of two parts: there will be screenings in the afternoon and evening, whereas presentations and demos will fill the morning and early afternoon for professionals mainly, although anybody fascinated by the gripping and vibrant world of animations is welcome to attend.

Tickets can be purchased at the venue KINO Cinema, 16 Szent István krt, Budapest Price: 700 HUF