about kiskakas

KISKAKAS Animation Celebration

Organized by the 130 year old Moholy-Nagy University of Arts and Design
21-22-23 October, 2010, Kino art cinema

Animation is a popular genre in Hungary, just like anywhere else in the world. Yet, quality animated projects targeting adults barely make it to the local audiences. The goal of the third KISKAKAS is to make current and worthy animated films available to the public and to professionals in the industry by presenting famous animation schools of the world. These are the studios, which supply the field with new creative talent, as well as exciting and valuable works to watch.

With the era of digital motion pictures and the spread of computer applications, the universities with animation education gained easy-to-use effective tools, which make the production of animated projects much easier. This is in addition to the creative freedom, free of all business and market pressure weighing on traditional studios. As a result, during the last decade educational workshops have become the cathalists of international animation life. The screening program of Kiskakas presents the works of various such workshops, 16 schools from 9 countries, including numerous festival prize winner, or even Academy Award nominee, films.

The program consists of two parts: the general public can attend screenings in the afternoon and evenings, while professional presentations are held in the mornings with discussions between invited foreign guests and local representatives of the industry. These discussions are open to the public as well. Those university presentations will be especially interesting where the audience can learn behind the scenes information and might find out for example, how it was possible after a three year program for six students to make a joint dimploma project, nominated for an Academy Award?

All this is hosted by KINO theater, which, with its two screening rooms and a café, will turn into the hub of local animation for these three days. Screenings start from 2.30 pm, parallel in the two rooms. This way, eight programs are screened in one day.

The first KISKAKAS was held in 2002, while the second in 2003. This is a very special year for the occasion, as the organizer Moholy-Nagy University of Arts and Design, is celebrating its 130th birthday, and the 30th year of the animation program in 2010.

Animation School Presentations

The list of schools presented at KISKAKAS clearly shows that the existance of animation education is independent from the university’s original profile. Animation programs can appear at film academies, fine art or design universities, and naturally, in the specialized institutes founded for industry education.

Yet, it is true for all of these programs that they use an educational model which enables students to show an outstanding professional achievement even during their studies. This is apparent from the many awards that the sixteen participating schools of KISKAKAS have won in various international festivals, and the reputation they have earned in their national professional environment. It is clear therefore, that the key to successful education is not necessarily in what’s written on the sign-board.

What’s the secret? Perhaps we will also get an answer to this during the presentations held by animation professors representing the guest universities, who will describe special methods of their educational programs, unveil trade secrets and explain ways to combine traditions of the genre with applications of modern technology. We will learn how students can broaden their creative skillset, in addition to the indispensable professional knowledge, as well as ambitions for creativity and innovation.

We welcome everyone to the professional presentations of KISKAKAS, held before the screenings on Thursday and Saturday morning, at Hall 1 of KINO Art Cinema.

School presentations are free events!